The Nation's Nest Egg Report | Media centre | YBS
How we worked
out our findings
We asked the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) to study national economic data and survey 2,000 people to
create our nest egg score. The nest egg score assesses people’s financial safety nets across the nation and how the pandemic has impacted these. We looked at people from different places and backgrounds, as well as asking how money affects their choices.
Our main findings
Financial shocks can come from anywhere, at any time
From a global pandemic to a broken boiler, events large and small
can turn our finances upside down. That’s why having a nest egg of
savings as part of our financial safety net can be beneficial. A nest
egg of cash savings is crucial to financial wellbeing, so that when the unexpected happens, we are able to pay the bills without needing
others to help.
Download the full report and find out how prepared people across
the UK really are.