How to get better at saving money | Savings guides | YBS
What type of saver are you?
Mostly A: Impulse spender
You’re living month to month, without any saving habits. You’re not alone, one in ten people don’t have any savings to fall back on.
Even before the rising living costs, it can be hard to stick to a budget and give up things you want. But don’t worry, you can start saving without having to make big changes to your lifestyle.
Tips for impulse spenders
Mostly B: Strict saver
You’ve got a regular and consistent savings habit – but you might be a little concerned about the future.
Even comfortable savers are feeling the impact of rising livings costs and finding they might have to dip into their savings more often.
Tips for strict savers
Mostly C: Credit cruncher
You might not be able to save – or may not enjoy saving. Falling back on credit can be a tricky habit to get out of. But don’t worry, you can start small and simple!
Plan how you’ll take steps – even small ones – to get yourself in a position to start saving.
Tips for credit crunchers
For help with money issues, try MoneyHelper.